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Business Services

As a member of the Springfield business community, CWLP values the bond we share with other members of that community. And we constantly strive to find ways to better serve you. The success and prosperity of your business helps ensure the success and prosperity of our city as a whole and we, as your electric and water provider, want to do whatever we can to help ensure that success.

Toward that end, we currently offer a variety of special programs and services, some of which benefit both business and residential customers and others that have been designed specifically with our business customers in mind. These services include rebates for improving the energy efficiency of your facilities, special rates for growing your business, access to CWLP's high-speed fiber optics network, the ability of businesses and individuals that become independent electricity generators to interconnect to CWLP's transmission system, and more.


Interconnecting to the CWLP Transmission Systtem

Energy Audits and Technical Assistance

We have a whole page dedicated to Energy Audits, and you can find it below.
Energy Audits Page

Commercial Customer Access to CWLP's Fiber Network

We have a whole page dedicated to CWLP's Fiber Network, and you can find it below.
Fiber Optics Page