Entities (such as wind farms and other independent power generators) interested in interconnecting to CWLP's transmission system can find information needed to assist them in this process on the Midcontinent
Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO) website. This information includes CWLP's Planning Criteria and CWLP's Interconnection Procedures, both of which are discussed in detail below.
The CWLP Planning Criteria
The CWLP Planning Criteria, which has been developed to accurately assess the utility's transmission system, provides a guide for CWLP engineers, as well as entities that are requesting
interconnection with the CWLP system. The criteria in this document are unconditional and provide the standards on which CWLP's transmission system is planned.
- You will need the information provided on the following document about CWLP Planning.
CWLP Planning Criteria
- After reading the document, if you have questions or would like additional information, contact the CWLP Electric Planning Office Projects Manager:
- By Mail or In Person: Projects Manager
CWLP Electric Planning Office
1008 E. Miller St.
Springfield, IL 62702
- By Phone: 217.757.8520, ext. 2192
- By Email: cwlp.customer@cwlp.com
The CWLP Interconnection Procedures
The CWLP Interconnection Procedures have been developed by the CWLP Planning Department to assist entities wishing to interconnect their new or modified transmission facilities or generators
with the City of Springfield (CWLP) transmission system. Transmission facilities are considered to be those that are 138 kV or higher or that provide 69 kV networked interconnection.
NOTE: Facilities of a lower voltage than those noted above are considered distribution, rather than transmission, facilities. Entities with distribution facilities that are
interested in interconnecting with CWLP should contact the Superintendent of Electric Transmission, Distribution & Operations — 217.757.8520, ext. 2169— for more information.
- You will need the information provided on the following document about CWLP Transmission Interconnection Procedures.
CWLP Transmission Interconnection Procedures
- Answer all applicable questions listed in Section 2 of the document.
- After completing the document, submit your application to CWLP:
- By Mail or In Person: Projects Manager
CWLP Electric Planning Office
1008 E. Miller St.
Springfield, IL 62702
- By FAX: 217.757.2082
- Once the CWLP Planning Department has reviewed your application, a CWLP representative will contact the person listed on the application to proceed forward with your request.
Interconnecting to the CWLP Disribution System
Please fill out the application below before interconnecting.
CWLP Transmission Interconnection Procedures