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Lead Awareness and Drinking Water Safety

CWLP reduces risks of corrosion occurring in plumbing systems by adding lime during the water treatment process, which raises the pH of the finished drinking water. The use of lime and the higher pH of the water limits the risk of metals, such as lead, from leaching into drinking water from lead service lines and plumbing fixtures containing lead or copper.

In situations where water is left standing for extended periods in plumbing systems and service lines where lead or copper pipe or solder exists, contamination into drinking water is a possibility. There are safeguards you can take to protect against this risk.

Lead Safety Video  

About Lead Service Lines

Service lines are the lines that run from the water main near the street to the property. The portion of the line from the curb stop to the home or building is customer-owned and the portion from the curb stop or meter to the water main is owned by the utility. If a home or building was constructed prior to 1930 in Springfield, it may have a lead service line. Other material types for water service lines include copper, polyethylene and galvanized

Where are lead service lines suspected?

CWLP has developed an interactive Water Service Line Map and Survey to show and collect water service line material information for active customers within our service area. CWLP has historic data for the public portion of the water service line that come from record drawings, plumbing inspections, maintenance records, and service inspections. In some locations, CWLP has verified the pipe material by visual observation. All other information is based on historic records and has not been confirmed.

Lead service lines in Springfield are located in homes or buildings constructed prior to 1930, which is an area bound approximately east of Bruns Lane between Sangamon and Stanford Avenues. Many service lines in this area have been replaced over the years. CWLP’s current inventory of service lines indicates there may be around 11,000 lead service lines still in use today.

Because the information provided for the maps for lead service line inventories is limited to the best available data in CWLP's possession at this time, some information may not be accurate. To see where lead service lines are suspected in CWLP’s service territory view our maps below. You can also help us update our information on the map to be more accurate by participating in our online survey.

Questions? Call our Lead Awareness Water Line, 217.789.2323 ext. 1631 or e-mail

Water Service Line Map & Survey Boundary List Boundary Map Water Service Line Inventory 2024

Lead Service Line Replacement

CWLP is replacing lead service lines in low-income residential areas and also in conjunction with emergency repair work and other public works projects throughout the City. Some of these projects are being financed by the Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP) State Revolving Fund (SRF). The SRF program is administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and receives a portion of its money to fund these types of projects from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Once complete, it will improve water quality for area residents and businesses, as well as remove any potential health and safety threats with lead services. SRF programs operate in each state to provide communities the resources necessary to build, maintain, and improve the infrastructure that protects one of our most valuable resources, water.

Lead Service Line Replacement Plan

How does lead get into drinking water

What does lead plumbing look like?

Is my exposure to lead limited to drinking water? Read More   

How can I reduce my exposure?

How is lead regulated in drinking water?

How to test for lead in your drinking water Read More